Pokazy tańca, lekcje, teoria, kultura Indii i podróżowanie.

Kathak – Bharatanatyam fusion.

In India people believe, that in all human being are both male and female by nature. In this choreography dancers tried to express this idea. In contrast of two different dance styles they looking for united, balanced form of being one.





All indian dances has common elements. First of all their aim is to deliver a story. Dancer by mimic and hand gestures builds a narration. Uses complicated sign language. Rhythm is executed with a bare foot, hands and body position describe directions of the world.

Dance bases on the taala, the rhythmic cycle.

Even though Indian dances are evaluating into modern dance theater forms, their main stream is still connected with mythology.

Instead of this common elements north Indian Kathak and south Indian Bharatanatyam dance are very different from each other. The basic body posture speaks a lot. Kathak on straight legs, delicate movements, subtle hand gestures and with many fast pirouettes. Bharatanatyam with its geometrical, pure form on the low bend knees and strict hand gestures use. Costumes also different significantly, the one for Bharatanatyam takes its pattern from the way of wearing saari on the South, the Kathak one design according to old royal court fashion.

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